Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Sometimes we need to stop to remember how fun life can be. After all, life's what you make it :)

My, for the sake of euphemism, BEHIND has been ignited and lit with the flames of collegiate hell lately, and I honestly I (as much as I would love to) can't euphemize this statement any further than it is already euphemized. Euphemism. My word of the day to all you lovely folks.

Putting the depression aside, college really isn't so bad, at a practical standpoint. Not struggling and wrestling with it and myself would have been the problem. I'll just learn to view it as a a clay-pot work of art. A pot is mixed, churned, nipped, tucked, carved, thrashed, shaped, and set ablaze in fires ranging at extreme temperatures, and if still the clay pot isn't satisfactory, it is destroyed. Heck yeah for motivational analogies.

New item for my bucket list: jumping off frostbitten peaks on skiis with the illusion of suspension in midair. Ohhhh yes.

Fly :)