Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Wow, my first post in a long while. I should be ashamed. Very ashamed.

It is finally summer break, and it FEELS SO GOOD Although I regret quite a few things about having to leave school at the close of the semester, truly...nothing compares to the feel that HOME gives me. Beyond doubt, there's no place like California, with its beaches, my best buds, and kick-butt food  The east can't possibly compete :)

The fact that I've passed my teen years this April is remarkably bittersweet, mostly because I know that this milestone won't ever be experienced again. With more age comes more responsibility and expectations, and don't we all know it. Regardless, the more pressure I face, the more I'll strive to keep my chin and spunk up. But less talk more walk, ey?

Full-time research at USC.
...and so it begins. The first summer entirely dedicated to my future. It's going to be a long and painful climb, but to get to where I'm aiming's the least I can do.

Let's get it get it.