Saturday, September 17, 2011


Week two of school: officially complete. Well deserved pat on the back. 

Only week two, and already exhausted to the max. College can take a lot out of you. I find it amazing how most students at our school can ration out their time and work out in between classes, sports, extracurriculars, and self-studies. Managing time is most definitely NOT one of my fortes. The weight of academic college life feels like an 800 lb boulder on my shoulders (127 hours reference! Watch it! You won't regret it, guaranteed :) ) and lately I've been having the urges to partake in activities such as these.

You know it.

Parasailing in the tropics?
Extreme? Very.
Ecstasy past the limit? Yup. 
Effective stress relieving outlet? I think so :)

...aaaaaaaaaaaand back to reality. It'll happen. But as for the present: more studying, less dreaming :)

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