Monday, September 22, 2014


Wow. WOW.

Firstly, I haven't posted in 2 full years (holy wow).
Secondly, if you ever want a major cringe session - read all your old blog entries.
Thirdly, A LOT has changed since my last entries.


This blog will be taking a bit of a different turn in terms of direction, motivation, and content. It will be the place where I dump all of my thoughts, creativity, and updates (as one does in a blog). Enough of that - let's get on with the introduction!!

Hi, it me.
Hey there! My name is Cecilia Cho and I am a 22-year-old aesthetic enthusiast. Fresh out of college. My interests? Makeup, fashion, photography, style, interior...the list goes on. I am by no means a professional; in fact, I am just starting out. Some people may wonder whether it's too late to be "starting out" on a beauty blog at my age, and trust me - I had my doubts too. But I'll take my chances, simply because I'd love it and enjoy it from the bottom of my heart. So come and stay awhile, and get a feel for my tastes, preferences, and style.

And now without further ado...I present to you my blog 

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